This time I would like to introduce “Himitsu Studio” released by Spitz in 2023.

Spitz is a four-piece rock band formed in 1987. The members are Masamune Kusano (Gt, Vo), Tetsuya Miwa (Gt), Akihiro Tamura (Ba), and Tatsuo Sakiyama (Dr).
The band is one of Japan’s leading bands, and for Japanese music fans, no explanation is needed anymore.
However, in contrast to their name recognition in Japan and the high esteem in which they are held by domestic music fans, they are also an artist whose reputation overseas has been heard far too infrequently.
Perhaps this is unavoidable, since one of the main attractions of Spitz’s music is the appeal of their lyrics.
But even if you don’t understand the lyrics, the band continues to produce a very great rock sound, and should be the first artist you listen to when searching for Japanese indie music.
Himitsu Studio
“Himitsu Studio” is Spitz’s 17th album, released in May 2023.
It contains the following 13 songs.
1. i-O(修理のうた) (i-O Shuri No Uta)
2. 跳べ (Tobe)
3. 大好物 (Daikoubutsu)
4. 美しい鰭 (Beautiful Fin)
5. さびしくなかった (Sabishikunakatta)
6. オバケのロックバンド (Obake No Rockband)
7. 手鞠 (Temari)
8. 未来未来 (Mirai Mirai)
9. 紫の夜を超えて (Murasaki No Yoru Wo Koete)
10. Sandie
11. ときめきpart1 (Tokimeki Part1)
12. 讃歌 (Sanka)
13. めぐりめぐって (Meguri Megutte)
The songs range from medium-tempo songs such as “Daikoubutsu” and “Sabishikunakatta” to up-tempo songs such as “Tobe”, all of which are “the royal road of Japanese rock“, with beautiful melodies and vocals over a rustic indie rock sound.
The album is unified by its rustic feel throughout, which is why slightly different songs such as “Beautiful Fin,” which incorporates odd time signatures, and “Mirai Mirai,” an exotic dance number, accentuate the music and keep you listening without getting bored.
The peaceful and cute song “Sandie,” which symbolizes the atmosphere of the jacket, comes in the latter half of the album, followed by “Tokimeki Part 1” and “Snaka,” a great ballad, and ends with the fast-paced “Meguri Megutte,” which is also a good way to strongly feel that Spitz is a rock band.
I am personally very happy to hear that Spitz, which is now a veteran rock band in Japan, is playing such straight-forward music on their 17th album.
Plus 1 Song
Spitz – 1987→
A memorial song written for the best album “CYCLE HIT 1991-2017 Spitz Complete Single Collection – 30th Anniversary BOX-” released in 2017 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the band’s formation. Memorial songs tend to be ballads, but the fact that Spitz wrote this song at this time shows their stance as a rock band.